Friday, 26 April 2013

Environment Agency Fishing licences 2013/4

I am loving the new design for this year's fishing licences. I wonder why?
Superb art work! Can i just ask people to pop the emergency telephone number into your mobile phones. Fish theft and out of season poaching is a growing concern and each and everyone of us has to be more vigilant. There has been a number of incidents recently on local rivers which include illegal netting of fish of all species and out of season fishing and the taking of pike. The EA have acted in all cases that have been reported to them immediately. A river watch scheme has been started on the River Mersey to combat these issues and volunteers are welcome. I am trying to promote a similar scheme on the Dee. Out of season these issues appear to be worse because there aren't the anglers on the bank to keep an eye on these criminals.
Anglers generally "What do the EA do for them?" well i can assure you they will respond and have responded with collaboration with the police to arrest offenders.
These are your fisheries..........This is a serious threat and we must protect our waters for us and future generations.
EA Emergency Hotline if you see anything is 0800 80 70 60 don't hesitate to call


Inside the Environment Agency said...

There's an interesting story behind the Environment Agency fishing licences this year.

Chester Predators said...

Please tell that story