Thursday, 6 February 2014

Predator Pop-Ups

At the start of this 2013/14 I was invited by an old fishing partner and good all-round angler Andy Dixon to meet a good friend of his Darren Bostock who owns the excellent carp bait business Carpbait-Solutions based in Wrexham who make some of the most succesful boilies in carp fishing in the UK.
Darren has 30 years experience in the bait and food industry and is very innovative.
Darren had been getting reports from his customers that they were catching pike on their fishbased boilies and in particulartheir innovative Halo boilies. An idea was born from this feedback and then together discussed ideas on flavours sizes etc. Quickly Darren created the 1st prorotpes and i went out and field-tested them with instant results.

Why use a foam pop-up when you can use one of these little beauties that is safer to the fish because its food and its packed with flavour the pike adore and leaks enticing colours?

Darren has come up with a superb product that is catching me lots of fish. CBS have decided to call the product The Deadlift ; a great little catchy name for a superb product.
Flavour & leakage; great combo

Leakage is an important part of it's success

Halo fascinates the pike

Halo predator pop-up & the Red smoky mackerel tested in my bath

These are now available to buy from their ebay shop or just go to their website:
or contact Chris Dunn for telephone orders on 07938 397366

This product will get you more fish and give you that vital edge we are constantly looking for.

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